martes, 19 de junio de 2018

I'am believer

I'am believer 

In class we have to dance the song I'am believer.
We did a dance step by step, and we invent the steps of the dance.
Here you have the song:

Radio program

Radio Program 

In class we do a radio programe in which we had to choose a topic and make a summary about it.
I was the presenter and I was in charge of the music.
Then, we put together the summaries and make a script.
After we train and record the program. The name of the program is Radio Macotera 99.8Fm

Resultado de imagen de radio program

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

Max ´s exhibition

One day in class max brought his instrument, it is a bass, He speck how it works his parts ect...  

Here is a video of how he did it:

sábado, 28 de abril de 2018

Bohemian rhapsody:

Bohemian rhapsody

We listen this song in class then we had to do a summary about it.

It's a song by the group Queen, this song is rock.
In the song appears the piano, a electric guitar, a drum and a bass.
In bohemian Rhapsody they used variations of volume to add life and variety to this work.
I like this song but i do not know why, maybe because IT MAKES ME FEEL happy and crazy.


The Typewriter

We listen this song in class then we had to do a summary about it.

It's a song by Leroy Anderson.
In the song appears the violin, the cello, the clarinet and a piano.
The machine is use for the sound of the bell, the keys and to run the paper.
I like this song because is very funny and is very happy when you use a machine in a orchestra.

Listening: Tritsch-tratsch Polka- J. Strauss II

Listening: Tritsch-tratsch Polka- J. Strauss II

We listen this song in class then we had to do a summary about it.

It's a song by J.Strauss a German composer.
In the song appears the violin, the trumpet, the piccolo, the harp and a tuba.
In the song: the beat is very strong and there is an introduction with two orchestra hits.
I like this because is very happy and I like the parts when the sound is loudly.

Listening: Adagio, Secret Garden

Listening: Adagio, Secret Garden.

We lisent6 this song in class the we had to do a summary about it.

It's a song by Rolf Lovland and Fionnuala Sherry.
In the part adagio there is a violin and more instruments.
In the song: The beat is weaker near the end and the accompaniment.
there is an orchestra accompanies the soloist.
I don't like it because is very sad.



We did a song at class whit noteflight, is a program that you can do songs. This is my song

Resultado de imagen de pauta con notas

The human voice

The human voice


- The voice is the sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth.
- The timbre is a quality of sound that allows you to recognise a type of voice or instrument.


- Breathing:

It is the process of bringing the air to the lungs and then expelling it. It has three parts:
Inhalation:  It consists of taking air through the nose and bring it to the lungs, through the trachea.
 Exhalation: It consists of expelling the air in the lungs through the trachea and finally through the mouth.

Resultado de imagen de the human voice

- Voice production:

The pressure of the air leaving the lungs causes the vocal cords to vibrate. The greater the force of air moving through them, the higher the intensity of the sound produced, producing volume.

- Resonators:

They amplify the sound

Resultado de imagen de the human voice

The Harp

The harp

We have to do a presentation, in this presentation i talking about the Harp. You have the presentation here.

Music in our daily life

Music in our daily life

We did a project about music in our daily life. All class chearched information about it and some pictures.The we put in common the information.
Finally we put the information and some pictures in a carboard.

Black Friday and Thanksgiving day

Black Friday and Thanksgiving day 

Max, our theacher prepared a presentarion for us. Then we saw a video and we did an activity.

The Cure

The Cure-Friday I´m in love

We saw this song in class and we did an interesting acticity.
This group is call The cure, they play rock.

Anechoic Chamber

Anechoic Chamber

We saw this video in class and is very interesting,In the room there isn´t echo.

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

The qualities of the sound

The qualities of sound:

Pitch: This is the quality that represent if is higheror lower. It is represented on a staff and by the notes. 

Resultado de imagen de notes of music

Staff: It is a group of five lines and four spaces where we write the different notes. 

Clef:It´s a symbol that we put at the begining of the staff. There are two types of clefs
We listened at class the song.

Resultado de imagen de Clef

Duration: Is the cuality of the sound that represented if a sound is long or short.

Resultado de imagen de long or short

The sound

The sound

In class we learned these concepts:

The sound is produced when a sound vibrates.

Resultado de imagen de sonido

The noise is when a sound is very loudly and you don´t like it.

Resultado de imagen de sonido horrible

We studied the music notes and his letters.The next day we did a history whit the letters of the notes.

Resultado de imagen de notes of music

lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

jueves, 11 de enero de 2018

Self Assesment


           Self Assesment

      1. I can make questions and sentenses more well than the firts day of class. I understand more the
          sentences of Ana and Max, when they explain somethimg I understand better what they say.

      2. I like doing porsters, because it is a good way to revise the theory .
          The most imteresting activity was the password with Max and doing the stop motion with my              classmates.

      3.  I think that I can better by the next term

Resultado de imagen de pasapalabra